When God Turns Your Mourning into Joy

By Elvetha Derrick-Telemaque The God of the Bible dearly loves all His children. With that said, He expresses a particular brand of compassion and affection towards His daughters. This volume is a concise yet comprehensive study of how a woman can experience a vibrant journey hand in hand with Jesus Christ. The author thoroughly addresses […]
By His Word We Are Made Whole

By Terrence Browne, MPth, MA, M.Phil It was a darkness that no man had ever seen or imagined, nor could ever imagine; for it was beyond anything he had ever experienced as it existed outside of his experience. This was the darkness of ‘in the beginning.’ God created time by the power of His Word […]
The Influence of Culture on Mental Health: Laughter, a Medicine or Misery?

By Narsha James (BSc, MA) Sociocultural norms influence a variety of elements of human life, including attitudes toward mental health issues. While attitudes, knowledge, and practices concerning mental health have improved in many Caribbean countries, misinformation and myths about mental health persist, leading to ignorance, fear, and dark humor (Abel et al, 2010). It’s called […]
Walking on Water

By Natasha Brown-Alleyne Walking On Water is a compilation of 322 encouraging, motivating, life-changing, faith-fortifying, inspirational devotions that challenges readers to reflect. It is the prayer of the author that this treasury will impact and transform the lives of readers while providing daily refreshing. It can be read chronologically or topically to minister to the […]
Stand Still

By Marsha S. Francis “… And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. (1 Corinthians 10: 13 NIV) Exercise is a popular outdoor activity that many people engage in, […]
What Matters Most

It’s not so much the circumstances you face, But it’s how you cope with each circumstance that makes the difference. It’s not what you are fighting, But it’s the worth of the fight that determines whether you win or lose.
The Church: Becoming a Contemporary Shelter for Young People

By Onesi La Fleur, BTh A quick but comprehensive examination of our world’s current social, economic, and political context has confirmed the divine truth that the Seventh-day Adventist Church is a safe haven for the world’s young people. Now more than ever, the church should accept its divinely mandated mission to save young people. Ellen […]