General Submission Guidelines

  • Choose a major subject area and then select a specific subject area and your angle. You can decide and execute a writing style from the following: Expository, Persuasive/Argumentative, Narrative or Descriptive.
    Polemic or Apologetic. 
  • Write at least 500 words in length but no more 800 words in length. Some topics may call for longer articles and it may be divided into two parts. Please seek assistance from editors when in doubt.
  • Keep in mind that people are busy and they dedicate less time for reading. Instead of a written article, you can make an audible video recording of your topic.
  • Do write from your context to a global audience. Write a brief introduction in a paragraph. Write a body three to four paragraphs. Write a short conclusion of the article.
  •  Biblical Topics must reflect the truth as found in the Bible and should not be written in a negative or offensive manner.
  • The sources of any citation must be referred in detail.
  • All materials will be subjected to editing for grammar, spelling and punctuation etc.
  • Please confirm that you would agree to respond to readers in the comments section about your article and make a concluding statement if necessary.
  • Submission of short biography not more than two paragraphs and a photo of yourself.
Grow, Gerald. (1987). Teaching Writing with a Criteria Checklist: Issues and Applications in a Magazine Course. Journalism Educator. Available online at


  • The requirements for written stories is 500 and no more than 700 words.
  •  Submission of a short bio of 3 to five sentences and a resent photo.
  • Instead of writing your story you can make an audible video where you can tell your story.

Motivational Thoughts

  • Choose your specific subject area and focus. 
  • Write at least 20 words in length and no more than 500.
  • It is important that the writing be your own original work.
  • Your submission can include poems, quotes and short devotional.
  • Submission of a short bio of 3 to five sentences and a resent photo.