I Can’t Breathe

By: Wrondell Timothy, CVA, B.Th., B.Sc., M.Sc.

“I can’t breathe,” the words infamously echoed by George Floyd as he lay beneath the death-fastening grip of Derek Chauvin, a police officer attached to the Minneapolis Police Department

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Three Years to Life: Year 1

In the quiet corridors of the university library, a young man we will call Devon, sat hunched over his textbooks, surrounded by the soft hum of fluorescent lights and the odor of aging paper. As a freshman, he had entered the academic world with a heart full of aspirations and a soul firmly anchored in his Christian faith.

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Chemical Buffering

By: Clairene R.J. McDavid-Adams, MSc., BS.

In chemistry, a buffer can resist change in the pH of a solution by absorbing excess hydrogen and hydroxyl ions.

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Self, Self, and More Self

By Narsha James

While watching a twenty-minute comedy on television, I saw something that grabbed my attention. One of the characters in the show was wearing a T-shirt with a logo printed on the left side of his chest,

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How is your sleep hygiene?

By Joseph Mahadeo, MD

Have you ever given any thought to the fact that the practices you engage in throughout the day and particularly before bedtime may impact the quality and quantity of your sleep?

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By: Boucaud-Bramble

I began my teaching career at a private Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) primary school in the early ‘90s.

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