Biblical Topics values authenticity of the Word. Our ministry shapes religious conversation and is committed to helping individuals understand the scripture.

‘I Can’t Breathe’

I Can’t Breathe

By: Wrondell Timothy, CVA, B.Th., B.Sc., M.Sc.

“I can’t breathe,” the words infamously echoed by George Floyd as he lay beneath the death-fastening grip of Derek Chauvin, a police officer attached to the Minneapolis Police Department

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Patience of God

The Extreme Patience of God

By Brendon Thomas (B.Th.)

I often question why a good God commanded the Israelites to destroy the Canaanite nations (Read Deuteronomy 20:16-17). It is particularly alarming since the Israelites were instructed to kill everything that had breath when they conquered Jericho (Read Joshua 6:20-21, 25).

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