More Value Than a Sparrow

By Rosie Ward

“Are not two sparrows held for a farthing? Fear ye not, therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. Matthew 10: 29, 31 (KJV)

When we read of and see God’s care for each creature on this planet, we can never doubt His tender love for each one of us – His children. I thank God for His copious blessings and protection in my life on many occasions, but I’m especially thankful for His protection on Monday, October 18, 2021, at approximately 9: 00 a.m.

The night before, I had planned to go to the hairdresser, then run a few errands in Curepe, a busy junction located not far from what had been Trinidad and Tobago’s first capital of St. Joseph. I travelled to Curepe by taxi and exited on the west-bound lane of the Eastern Main Road. On checking the traffic light before proceeding to cross the median over to the east-bound lane, I realized that the traffic light was on red, but I wasn’t sure for how much longer, so I hurried to get to the opposite sidewalk. I stepped up onto the median with my right foot and moved forward, but the sandal on my left foot got caught on the tip of the median and I fell forward, face-down in the middle of the east-bound lane! I could do nothing, as gravity had fully exerted its power over me. I was so stunned that I couldn’t move, but I could hear the vehicle engines around and above me begin to rev as the traffic signal was about to give them the green light go-ahead.

One lady rushed to my side, lifted me, and dragged me safely to the sidewalk on the other side. I never saw her face; she could have been my angel! Although it was a peak hour of the day, with people all around, she was the only one who came to my assistance. I was shaking, bruised, and bleeding, and she stayed with me until I could walk on my own. God had kept all the lights in all directions RED until I was safe. Had the vehicular traffic been moving, I would have been killed, or critically injured!

I was still shaky following my return home, and as I sat icing my wrist and nursing my wounds, I thought of what could have been! I thanked my Eternal Caregiver for sparing my life, for keeping the lights red, and for sending an angel to help me. I am so grateful to God who clearly still has an ongoing plan for my life!

Thankfully, there were no broken bones or teeth, or even a sprained wrist; just a burst lip and bruised knees and shins, which all healed within a few days. However, it will take a long time, if ever, before I forget that hair-raising experience!

With a prayer asking for God’s protection, we move about our world daily, trusting our heavenly Father. Yet we may never know of the countless times He has rescued us from danger. Let us praise Him at all times, and pledge our lives and talents to His service for as long as we shall live! He loves and cares for us – always!

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