By: Boucaud-Bramble 

I began my teaching career at a private Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) primary school in the early ‘90s. For those unfamiliar with Seventh-day Adventist Christian Education, early SDA pioneers had a vision – they started a school in a particular area, most times on the same compound as the SDA Church, with the school building actually attached to the church building in most instances. Financial support would come from the constituent churches and other members who appreciated Ellen G. White’s (SDA prophet) values and vision for church schools. These facilities were humble yet, those who worked within these walls lacked nothing when it came to dedication, enthusiasm, creativity and Christlikeness. I was honoured to join one such team of experienced, caring and nurturing Christian educators.

The principal at the time was hard-working and had a wonderful sense of humour, yet she was always serious about what needed to be done and led projects to enhance the school’s facilities. One such project was water storage for the school – storage was limited, and at times the neighbours would enter the school’s compound when no one was around and help themselves to the water the school needed when the main supply was cut off. On more than one occasion, school was dismissed due to a lack of water. Obviously, this was not the long-term solution to the problem.

One day, after the pupils were dismissed, I stood at my classroom door looking out at the yard and surrounding trees. Suddenly a cloud settled over the school, and it began to rain. A few days earlier, the water supply had been low, and the threat of no water loomed over us. I stood in a bit of a daze, not because it was raining (which was possibly an answer to prayer), but because it was raining only over the school’s compound and nowhere else! The downpour lasted for a few minutes and then suddenly stopped; it was what we would call a “passing cloud.” Where the rain fell as opposed to where it didn’t was clearly visible, and I said to myself, “Ok, Lord, I guess that was Your doing,” but I was still a bit doubtful.

The next day the principal informed us that the water tanks were full because of the previous day’s rain. I could not believe my ears. I was now convinced that I had witnessed a miracle! Isaiah 44:3 (NKJV) states, “For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, And floods on the dry ground… .” I shared this experience with several people, and recently with a sister in my congregation who happened to have a similar experience with rain; we compared our experiences and encouraged each other. It is important that we share our testimonies publicly. Psalm 105:1 (NKJV) says, “Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name: Make known His deeds among the peoples!” Sometimes we expect God to work things out from our limited, myopic, human, point of view, but He has His plan and no matter what, we are to ask for HIS WILL to be done in our lives. Everyday prayers ascend from staffrooms and classrooms where teachers and students pray and worship. I implore you also to say a prayer for SDA Christian Education. God bless you!

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