Shutting the Mouth of Death

By: Alhalia Baptiste-Collins

I read my eight-year-old’s Primary Bible Study guide with him, the author ended the story ‘Another New Law’ by stating, “God could have rescued Daniel before he was thrown into the lions’ den. But many more people saw God’s strength and power when God’s miracle saved Daniel’s life…” (Abbey, Emmanuel O., et al 37). I later reflected on these words and how profound they were to me and my experience with God.

In 2021, I contracted the COVID-19 virus and almost died. My story began like many other persons who had contracted this horrific virus: unbearable weakness, uncontrollable coughing, terrible body ache and chest pains, loss of taste and appetite to the point that water tasted horrible, and a frightening depletion of oxygen, resulting in severe breathing problems. However, while my experience ended in rejoicing, many others did not live to tell the tale. It was Satan’s desire to kill me and I felt the grip of death upon me as I lay in the hospital, but for God!

I have not gained any greater insight about the virus, even though I have experienced it. However, it has given me a deeper understanding of God’s mercy, faithfulness, and love. God has used my experience to remind me that He is still my healer and sustainer; He is my Father, and He sticks closer than a brother; He is my champion.

My experience was part of a journey that began when eleven members of my family, including my elderly parents, both over the age of seventy-five, contracted the COVID-19 virus. My mom and I became critically ill – it is nothing short of a miracle, that my mother is still alive today; however, that is a story for another time. I lay on the hospital bed wondering if I would make it through the night. With every cough, I felt like if I would pass out. I became terrified of coughing. My body’s oxygen level was rapidly decreasing, although my oxygen intake, via oxygen tanks, was at its highest. I had neither the strength, nor the desire to eat. I was experiencing pains in my chest which would prevent me from sleeping, and when I did fall asleep, I would awaken gasping for breath, as I felt a squeezing sensation on my heart.

My total helplessness, caused me to be incapable of doing anything for myself. I had to depend on strangers to bathe me and change my clothes. This experience was embarrassing and one which I never imagine I would have to endure. I belong to a large family and have never lacked physical, emotional, psychological or any other type of support. This experience seemed like a nightmare; from which I could not have awaken. The absence of a familiar face around me, to comfort or help in any way, was terrifying.

Nevertheless, God was interested in providing the spiritual support I needed to continue on my life’s journey, and He wanted me to know that He was in charge of that. God’s lessons are not always easy, but He kept reminding me that I would live and not die. He kept telling me to look with spiritual eyes and see the path of humility I must take, in order to follow Him. He opened my eyes and allowed me to see, that although I was suffering, others were dying; He impressed upon me, that even in the midst of my trial, I needed to care for, pray for, and reach out to the sick and dying around me. I listened; I obeyed; I reached out with words of comfort and encouragement; I prayed, and God held my hands and walked me through my crucible. God came through as He promised. He was not slack concerning His promises, and He never will be.

From the moment my family contracted COVID-19, a blitz of prayers began ascending to the courts of heaven, and God answered them. I thank God for every prayer that was offered during this perilous time. God heard and He provided a way of escape for us. I thank God for that way of escape. I thank Him for allowing ‘Michael’ to stand up for me, ‘squeezing my heart’ and keeping me alive. I thank Him for Jesus, who held my hand, told me to keep my eyes on Him and breathed for me. I thank Him for giving the heavenly angels orders to guard my room door against the entrance of the evil ones. I thank God that Jesus declared to the defeated Devil “She is mine and you will not touch her!” I thank God that after only nine days I was discharged from the hospital.

My experience has given me greater insight into the mercy, faithfulness and love of God. His word in Lamentations 3:22-23 (KJV) states, “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not….” I know this to be true! Furthermore, His word also states, “That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ…” Ephesians 3:17-19 (KJV).

I return to where I started, with my son’s lesson study. The fact is that God could have rescued Daniel before he was thrown into the lions’ den. In the same way, He could have protected me from the COVID-19 virus. I thank God though, that just as with Daniel, He allowed me to go through this experience to demonstrate what a big, merciful, faithful and loving God He really is. He said “if I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me” (John 12:32). He could have chosen to heal me at home, but would it have received the attention of so many? Would so many persons have taken the time to intercede on the behalf of another, without the evidence of what they perceived to be a real cause? Would I have received the evidence of my mustard seed faith and watched it grow into a mustard tree faith? Would I have learnt the soul-saving lessons I needed to learn? Would my life be a living testimony of God’s miracle working power, especially to those who saw me leave home in death’s grip, and gave up all hope of my recovery? I dare say, no! God in His omniscience chose my experience to teach a greater lesson.

Never say never with God, especially when He is trying to teach you total reliance on Him. Never say never, when He is reminding you that what He requires is a broken spirit and a contrite heart. I pray that my life will continue to be a living testimony of God’s greatness. Remember: The bigger the crisis, the greater the opportunities to change disbelieving hearts to an acceptance of, An amazing God! A God of the impossible, Who is able to do abundantly more than we can imagine; a God Who can shut the mouth of death.

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