

By: Denise Telesford-Collins

 “And if it seems evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15, KJV).

Choice suggests the opportunity or privilege of selecting freely; it is an act of deciding between two or more possibilities.

The opportunity of freedom of choice – implies a power to select that which is specifically granted or guaranteed: in this case one can choose eternal life for it is guaranteed.

The Creator gave man, created in His image, this privilege – choice. Yet in many parts of the world this opportunity was threatened or taken away completely from some.

Over the last few years, as the world was plagued with the COVID19 Virus, many felt hopeless because their livelihood was threatened. Many persons were cowered into taking the vaccine, to save their jobs.

A time is coming in the near future, when the ultimate choice a human being can ever make will have to be made. As far back as in the time of the prophet Joshua, the question was asked, “who is your GOD”?. This same question will be asked again. Will the pressures and the cares of this life influence your choice, or will faith rooted and grounded in the Creator determine the choice?

We make choices every second of our lives, and each little decision we make will determine how we respond to the bigger one. Also, each points us in the direction to which we are heading.

This is self-searching time, if we are honest with ourselves and allow the Holy Spirit to help us in choosing, we shall have no fear. All will be well with our souls.

In this life, there are only two options from which to choose: the Creator or destruction. Which on will you choose?

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