
“God, sorry to bother You…”

By: Sasha Bernard

“In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.” Psalm 18:6 ( KJV)

On the popular American television game show ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,’ contestants are offered assistance in the form of ‘lifelines,’ which can be utilized to assist them in answering a difficult question. The three original lifelines — Ask the Audience, Phone a Friend, and 50:50 —allow contestants to get input from the audience, call someone specific or eliminate two incorrect answers. If you’ve ever watched the show, you’d know that not all contestants are successful with their lifelines. But, let me tell you about a lifeline that guarantees you a win!

From a young age, I learned that God is always there for me and that I can turn to him for any- and everything. I believed and still believe this wholeheartedly. Not just because it was something that I was taught, but because over time I experienced it myself when, time and time again, God came through for me. However, even with that knowledge, at times I find myself ‘saving God’ for my big ticket items or emergency situations. I’ve heard people say “God has much more important things to worry about than my little problems,” and while those are not my exact thoughts, I understand the sentiment. I’ve realized that I tend to utilize my ‘lifelines’ for the things that I consider small. I seek approval from people who I think should have the solution, or I may rely on a friend for advice. I may even take time to make a calculated decision on my own. Sound familiar?

The Bible shows us in multiple situations that God’s character is strikingly different, and dare I say quite the opposite, of this ‘too busy to disturb’ God that we assume. His Word affirms to us over and over that He is a God who cares about every single detail as it relates to His children. It seems unfair then, that I should label situations in my life as big or small and decide which ones are worthy enough to take to God. Matthew 6:26 tells us to “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” What a reminder! The same God that counts the stars and calls them all by name, the same God that has numbered the hairs on our head —cares so deeply for us!

God has shown us exactly who He is, and He is not just loving us from afar. He wants us to fully rely on Him. We have His full attention, and nothing is too small to take to the throne. I pray that in this game of life, we play with the one and only lifeline that we need, Jesus Christ.

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