
Redefining Value: Embracing God’s Best

By: Gem Emmanuel

“ And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?” Matthew 16:26 (NLT)

Every day, we are faced with choices. Some are small, like deciding what to wear, while others carry more significance, impacting our relationships, values and spiritual journey. The decision-making process is often guided by our perception of value; we instinctively choose what we believe holds greater worth. This principle is evident even in the simplest of examples: when given the choice between a $5 bill or a $10 bill, our natural inclination is to choose the $10 bill due to its higher value. However, the application of this concept doesn't always translate smoothly into our spiritual lives. There are times when our discernment fails us, leading us to choose ‘lesser things’ over the ways of God.

Throughout the Bible, we encounter stories where humanity's choices demonstrate a misunderstanding of true value. These narratives offer valuable insights into the human condition and the consequences of misplaced priorities. They teach us invaluable lessons about the deceptive allure of lesser things and the surpassing value of aligning our hearts with God's purposes.

Consider Eve in the Garden of Eden, surrounded by God's abundance. In spite of this, she chose to eat the forbidden fruit, believing it offered greater worth than communion with God Himself (Genesis 3:1-6). This pivotal decision led to dire consequences for all humanity, highlighting the deceptive nature of valuing temporal pleasures over spiritual riches. Similarly, the Israelites, despite experiencing God's miraculous provision of manna in the wilderness, grew discontent and longed for the comforts of Egypt (Exodus 16:1-3). Their choice revealed a fundamental misunderstanding of true sustenance and satisfaction, settling for temporary pleasures rather than embracing the enduring nourishment found in God's presence.

In 1 Samuel 8, the Israelites’ desire for a king, despite Samuel's warnings, illustrates humanity's tendency to seek earthly solutions for spiritual needs. They prioritized worldly power and status over acknowledging God's sovereignty in their lives; a choice that carried significant consequences.

Even men of great spiritual stature were not immune to the allure of lesser things. Consider the tragic downfall of Samson, whose infatuation with Delilah led to the betrayal of his sacred vow and eventual demise (Judges 16:4-21). In his pursuit of fleeting pleasure, Samson forfeited the strength and calling bestowed upon him by God.

The Pharisees provide yet another example of misplaced priorities. Known for their strict adherence to the law, they prioritized external observance over deeper spiritual truths. This fixation on legalistic interpretations led them to neglect matters of the heart, such as compassion and humility. Their focus on strict interpretations caused them to miss the essence of God's blessings and kept them from experiencing the transformative power of His grace.

These biblical examples echo contemporary parallels in our lives today. We may find ourselves prioritizing personal and professional ambitions over spiritual growth, seeking fulfilment in material possessions rather than in our relationship with God, or settling for superficial relationships based on lust or convenience rather than God’s guidance. The pervasive influence of technology and societal pressures further complicate our decision-making, often leading us away from God's intended path and plan for us.

Despite our inclination to choose lesser things, there remains hope in Christ. His sacrificial love offers forgiveness and redemption for our missteps, allowing us to realign our hearts with His Word and His will. Let us willingly embrace the challenge of redefining what we consider valuable. The choices we make are more than mere transactions; they are reflections of our deepest desires and beliefs. As we navigate the complexities of life, let us not get distracted by temporary and transient things that won't last. Instead, let us be guided by a discerning spirit; one that guides us in choosing the greater treasures that align with God's purpose. Pursuing God's best brings lasting joy and fulfilment. So, let's confidently choose His way, knowing it leads to the best life possible!

Prayer: Lord, as we journey through life, give us eyes to see Your truth, and discernment to choose Your best for us. Amen

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