
Solid Foundation

By: Marsha S Francis

“And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock” (Matthew 7: 24 KJV).

In Miami, Florida, a 136-apartment Champlain Towers complex, fell in twelve seconds, destroying fifty-five of the apartments. As a result, ninety-eight persons who lived in the flat perished ( In Bangladesh, the Savar Building, also known as the Rana Plazza, fell on April 24, 2013, during rush hour. This was caused by fissures that had developed in the building’s structure. 1,134 persons had died as a result, and another 2,500 persons had been injured ( Bridgeport, Connecticut, experienced a different type of calamity in 1987. Before the building was finished, a number of the L’Ambiance Plaza’s floors “toppled inwards,” resulting in the deaths of 28 workmen and the injuries of twenty-two more ( These and other buildings might have collapsed as a result of poor construction, flaws in the foundation, and inadequate upkeep.

The topography and soil quality of the land on which a house is to be built are two crucial aspects to take into account. Building a house on unstable ground is not recommended; since the weight of the structure will certainly cause it to sink or fall apart. A structure needs to be built on a solid foundation and ground in order to stand tall and endure the worst natural forces. Similarly, our lives need to be constructed on a strong spiritual foundation.

In Matthew 7: 24 Jesus declares: “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house upon a rock.” What did Jesus mean when he said that? Prior to delivering the comment, He had taught the following values in a visual style that communicates meaning:

  1. “Judge not that ye be not judged” (Matt. 7: 1).
  2. “…first cast out the beam out of thine own eye” (Matt. 7:5).
  3. “Give not that which is holy unto dogs” (Matt, 7:6).
  4. “Ask and it shall be given you…” (Matt, 7:7).
  5. “Enter into the straight gate …” Matt. 7:13).
  6. “Beware of false prophets,…” (Matt 7: 15).

As a result, the narrative of the wise and foolish builders, in Matthew 7:24, enables us to clearly visualize the advantages of building, on rock as opposed to building on shifting sand. While the house built on the sand was crushed by the outside force, the house built on the rock was able to endure external pressures.

The world is currently presenting a variety of pillars on which one can find sustainable security for the future (data security, financial security solutions, crypto currency, home security and fame etc.). These, however, are inadequate, flawed, unstable, and fragile foundations on which to construct your life. You will not be able to withstand the test of time with these pillars. On the other hand, there is no doubt that Jesus is the, rock, the only true foundation upon which one should build his/her spiritual lives.

Jesus is the rock on which our life is firmly grounded. A relationship with Christ through the study and application of the Word of God are necessary for one to stay rooted on this foundation. When we are firmly rooted in the Word, it acts as a fortress to protect us from the constantly changing circumstances in our lives. We would eventually be saved from spiritual destruction.

What kind of soil and foundation are you using for your life? Do they allow you to stand on firm foundation?

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