
What is in Your House?

By Marsha Francis

“Then said he, what have they seen in thine house?” (Isaiah 39:4 KJV)

Isaiah, the prophet, posed the issue in today’s text, which stemmed from an incident in the life of Hezekiah, King of Judah. God instructed the king, through the prophet, that he needed to set his house in order and prepare to die. When confronted with this reality, he prayed to God to extend his life. God acceded to his request and provided him a sign that the message Isaiah conveyed was genuine. The sun’s dial was turned back ten degrees to confirm God’s positive response to his request, which indicated that the King’s life would be extended by fifteen years. (Isaiah 38:7, 8).

After learning of Hezekiah’s miraculous recovery, the King of Babylon dispatched diplomats to convey letters to him. Hezekiah was ecstatic to see the diplomats and offered them a state tour of his palace. “What have they seen in thine house?” God’s prophet asked Hezekiah after the Babylonian entourage had left. He replied, “They have seen everything in my house, and there is nothing among my valuables that I have not shown them” (Isaiah 39:4). The king’s actions were not pleasing to God. The prophet had to relate God’s disquieting word that all his treasures would be transported to Babylon. Hezekiah’s situation exemplified what could happen in the lives of people who lose sight of God.

The more we cling to worldly possessions rather than God, the faster we lose grip on them and on Him. We should not let materialism and self-exaltation prevail in our lives. Instead allow God to be the provider and sustainer. There is nothing wrong with prospering in life; it is essential for one’s survival. However, success must never come at the expense of God’s supremacy in one’s life. Hezekiah chose to display his possessions rather than speak of God’s goodness toward Him, and as a result, all he possessed was lost.

The things of this world are transient; they will soon vanish into oblivion. As a result, the Bible admonishes, “…store up for yourself treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt” (Matt 6:20). Despite this warning, many people are still battling for, and clinging to, worldly possessions in the face of death, financial loss, and misery. A paradigm shift in the way one think about life and spirituality is now required. One ought to think about life as a precious gift from God. There must be a renewed sense of introspection, greater longing for Christ, and a desire to share His grace with those we encounter.

Every day we open our eyes is a sign of God’s favour and a gift of an extension of life. What would you do with this gift of life, this chance God has given to you each day? You don’t have to wait until you are on death’s door to ask for God’s mercy and forgiveness or a second chance to live a changed life. Then it might be too late. Don’t squander the opportunities that come your way every day.

Let this be your prayer today and always. Dear Lord, I dedicate my life to you today; please transform me. Please help me be a greater witness of you to everyone I encounter daily.

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