
Who to Believe?

By Marsha Francis

“For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” Jeremiah 29: 11 (KJV)

We live in a culture in which individuals are constantly bombarded with information from various media outlets. The fascinating thing is that people believe their knowledge is accurate, regardless of the narrative – pandemic, crime, climate change, or racial indifference. It is possible that what has been presented in the media is either accurate or a misrepresentation of reality. This may lead to people being unsure of what to believe or who to trust. However, as Christians we should be clear about our views and our source of truth.

1Kings 13 recorded the spectacular and intriguing incident of the man of God. The Lord had given His prophet the command to go and chastise Jeroboam for creating strange forms of worship in Israel. He was also given two further instructions. Firstly, he was not to eat or drink anything in that land; secondly, he was to return to Judea in a different route. The King invited God’s prophet home after he had delivered the message, and the King had experienced God’s healing power. Given that God had commanded him otherwise, he promptly refused.

Even though there was no such thing as social media at the time, the sons of an old prophet residing in Bethel, who had witness this incident, vocally “tweeted” him what had happened. This false prophet arose after hearing the news and set out to meet the man of God. After catching with up him, he extended a similar invitation, as Jeroboam had, to lunch at his home. While the man of God had flatly declined Jeroboam’s invitation, he was duped into accepting the request of the deceitful prophet. The false prophet said that an angel of God had told him to invite the prophet of God home to be refreshed. The true prophet of God died as a result of not following all of God’s instructions.

This incident, in the Bible, is both insightful and thought-provoking. When God delivers a clear message or direction, it must be communicated or followed to the letter. Failure to follow God’s instructions will result in God’s displeasure.

Similarly, God’s Word provides many assurances that can be applied to any situation one may encounter. He claims that His thoughts toward [us] are “of peace and not evil” (Jer 29:11 KJV). He will be with [us] while [we] go through the “shadow of evil or death” (Ps. 23:4). There shall be no evil or plague “nigh [our] dwelling” (Ps, 91: 10). When [we] call on Him, He will answer [our] call (Jer 33:3). He’ll provide the heavily burdened with rest (Matt. 11:28). “Is there anything too difficult for Me to do?” He inquired (Jer. 32: 27).
Satan is continually attempting to debunk the truths which God has revealed through various channels. One must equip oneself to recognize his devious schemes by studying and clinging to the truths provided in God’s Word.

Are you sick, burdened, or undecided about what to do? Ask for God’s help, believe the accounts or experiences documented in His Word and obediently follow his lead?

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