
Why Worry

Lue Ann Fortune

“Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made know unto God” (Philippians: 6 KJV)

Wednesday 11th January, 2023. I receive a call from my Adventist Youth (AY) leader. The purpose of his call is to inform me that tickets for the Tobago ferry for the month of January are sold out. I am taken by surprise because the Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago had previously informed me that tickets would become available no earlier than January, and we were only eleven days into the month! A river of emotions run through me, including anger, worry, and doubt. I collect myself and spring into action, calling this one and that one, but not calling on God.

My day spent thinking, planning and plotting ends in what appears to be defeat. It is only now, after failing on my own strength, I remember Matthew 6:34 and decide to give it to God. I thank God, He is not like man, and He always has a plan. It’s late in the evening when I receive a call. On the other end of the line is a close friend who informs me that, contrary to what I was told, tickets are still available online. She then says, “Send me the information for all sixty-one of your tickets.” I scream with joy!

The truth is defeat should never have been an option for me. God tells us in Philippians 4:19 “But my God shall supply all [my] need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” I would like to leave two points from this text with you:

  1. The text states that God will supply all our need, not some. It doesn’t matter what the need is or the size of the need; even if you think it to be something insignificant, remember to go to God and claim His promises.
  2. Our need will be supplied according to His riches – we should not and cannot limit God. He is rich in knowledge and knows what will happen before we do. He is rich in power and can make the impossible possible: “No online tickets for this period,” the Customer Service Representative told me. He is everywhere, in position right when we need Him. I never asked my friend about ticket availability. I spoke to God and He did the rest.

In my email on Thursday 12th January 2023, was sixty-one (61) round trip tickets for Tobago. I had a blast camping in Tobago over the carnival period.

“Do not limit the limitless God! With Him, face the future unafraid because you are never alone.” – Lettie Cowman

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