What Matters Most

By Marsha S. Francis

It’s not so much the circumstances you face,
But it’s how you cope with each circumstance that makes the difference.
It’s not what you are fighting,
But it’s the worth of the fight that determines whether you win or lose.
It’s not the fears that envelop you,
But your ability to overcome them.
It matters not that people don’t care or show love,
But what matters most is that you care and show love.
It’s not the disease that threatens your life,
But enduring faith in the great physician who can heal all diseases, that will sustain you.
It’s not the lack of finances,
But confidence in and reliance on Jehovah Jireh, the God who can supply all your needs.
It’s not the temptations you encounter,
But how you equip yourself to overcome them.
It’s not that you have failed,
But how you turn your failures into successes.
It’s not the dark clouds or the rains,
But the rainbow that reminds you of God and His promise.
When you have determined what matters most,
You have found the key to fulfillment, happiness, peace of mind,

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