

Pastor Malvern Mentore grew up in the South American countries of Guyana and Suriname in a deeply devout Seventh-day Adventist family. This experience made an indelible impression on me as I learned from an early age that service to God was not an option but a reasonable expectation.

Ordained to the gospel ministry in 1997, I have spent the past thirty-one (31) years as a Ministerial worker in the Seventh-day Adventist Church serving in various capacities. First as an intern, church pastor and Youth Director within the Suriname Mission. I have also served as Dean of Men, and lecturer in the Behavioural Sciences Department of the University of the Southern Caribbean for seven years. up to 2007. In 2008, I returned to pastoral ministry in the South Caribbean Conference and currently serves as the Pastor for the San Juan Pastoral District.

I consider myself an accomplished, highly experienced and Graduate Level qualified professional who has had the privilege of serving at executive level in Educational Institutions, NGO’s and Disaster Preparedness and Prevention organizations.

As a pastor I consider myself a pragmatic man who is dependent on God for guidance. I also see myself as a deep thinker who preaches out of a profound conviction of Christ imminent return. My deepest love in ministry is to see people come into a saving relationship with God, and a practical understanding of Christian living. As I face the joys and challenges of pastoring my greatest wish is to walk the coming years together with each member of the of Seventh-day Adventist church and the wider community in glorious anticipation of Christ imminent return.