Metabolism and You

By: Clairene R.J. McDavid-Adams, MSc., BS.

Metabolism, metabolism, metabolism. In health and bodily function, it is akin to what location, location, location is, in the real estate arena! If you ask the average person what metabolism is, their response will probably include some concept of weight gain or maintenance. So what exactly is metabolism? Truth be told it is still under review, as it involves very complex integrated mechanisms and biochemical processes in living organisms! However, at the basic level, metabolism is a series of biochemical reactions that occur in living things to produce and store energy for the execution of vital functions and activities. It is essentially the sustenance of life as we know it (Queens Health, 2020).

An important aspect of metabolism is the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), which is fundamentally the amount of energy required to do “nothing”. There are basic homeostatic processes that require energy at the cellular level such as, breathing, blood circulation, and hormonal balance just to mention a few. The body also uses energy in the process of thermogenesis to digest food, and absorb, transport and store nutrients it obtains (Better Health Channel, 2021)
It is important that we be aware of the factors that can affect our metabolism and by extension our body’s optimal functioning. Some of these factors are:

  1. What you eat and when you eat.
  2. If you exercise and the intensity and duration of your exercise.
  3. Your current and former weight.
  4. Food and sleep deprivation.

All of these can promote or block the release of hormones that negatively or positively impact one’s metabolism (RUSH, 2022).

The takeaway is that the human body is fearfully and wonderfully made, and it is important for everyone to have a basic understanding of how to make their bodies function optimally!

Queensland Health. 2020. What is my metabolism and how does it work? Retrieved: July 17th, 2022 from

Department of Health, State Government of Victoria. 2021. Retrieved: September 25th, 2022 from

Rush University Medical Center. 2022. Retrieved: September 25th, 2022

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